My boss is from the south. As such he felt that the lack of Abita beers to my beer rotation was a glaring oversight on my part, bordering on criminal. I had seen the Abita line-up at my beer store and read about them, but hadn't have a chance to try one. Then I happened to see Abita Turbodog on the menu at Ruby Tuesday's (A restaurant I highly recommend for tiny burgers, but not their beer selection). So I ordered it and here is my review.
Poured from a 12 oz bottle into a glass. Poured a cloudy almost muddy brown. Many people have problems with haze in their beer, I am of the opinion, that as long as it doesn't negatively impact taste I don't mind some haze, especially in a dark beer. Thin brown head which reduced to practically nothing.
Smelled of chocolate and dark dried fruits.
Taste was a lot like the smell. A little sweetness upfront with some roasty grains followed by chocolate. Aftertase is the slight bitterness that comes from dark grains and is very nice in balancing out the sweetness from the chocolate. Lingers just long enough to make it's presence known but not long enough to impact the next sip.
I've ordered this beer twice now, which is the same number of times I have been to Ruby Tuesday's in the past month and really enjoyed it. It makes me want to try other offerings from this brewery like their raspberry hefeweizen, purple haze, which may just help me get over my fear of fruit flavored beers.
On another note I will be brewing a hefeweizen this weekend and posting pictures as long as my wife doesn't go into labor first, she's due on the 22nd of April so it will be cutting it close. If she gives birth while I'm brewing ...... well you can't just leave 5 gallons to boil on the stove unattended, everyone knows that.
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